The words of Jeremiah 23:1-4 sound as if they could have been said in our world. Jeremiah tells the people that God has condemned those shepherds who have mistreated God’s flock, and that God will gather these sheep and give them compassionate shepherds. It seems deeds causing religious trauma have existed a very long time!

It happened then and it happens now, so this message is familiar because of the many, many people who have been harmed by their religious leaders, by church dogma and teachings, and by unloving congregations. Religious trauma is real! But God has created jurisdictions like CCOA – non-dogmatic, open and affirming groups. Some of us in CCOA have been treated poorly, too – because of who we are, because we question, because we think. CCOA clergy are available to pray with you, talk with you, and if you feel called ordination, to introduce you to our seminary, Sophia Divinity School.

Memories of the past and the religious trauma past events caused may never go away, but hope in God’s love shared by one of God’s compassionate shepherds can help.