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“It must be remembered that Faith alone is not enough unless it has an adequate systems of thought to support it … good religion is a technique by which power can be conveyed into the life of the adherent.”

— CCOA Founder, Patriarch Herman Adrian Spruit, What is the Christian Religion? It is Faith. College of St. James.

September 2023

Hidden Blessings

2023-09-26T05:27:24+00:00September 26, 2023|

The gospel reading on Sunday was Matthew 20:1-6, the parable of the men who worked in the vineyard. Some worked all day, others did not, but all received the same wages. Those who worked longer grumbled, as might we. Another reading was Isaiah 55:6-9, in which [...]

Forgive and Love

2023-09-19T23:03:34+00:00September 19, 2023|

Jesus told us that we are to love God and our neighbors as ourselves. In Sunday’s readings we were reminded that we are to forgive – after all, how can we love if we are holding on to injustices, misdeeds, harsh words, and all the other [...]

August 2023

Giving God Thanks

2023-08-30T04:52:30+00:00August 30, 2023|

Last Sunday’s psalm, PS138:1-1, 2-3,6,8, included lines that we too may say or think, but might want to reconsider. The psalmist gives thanks to God … because …. God listens ... because ... God is kind, truthful and answers. Yes, we do and should thank God [...]

July 2023

Mary Magdalene

2023-07-24T05:13:00+00:00July 24, 2023|

This weekend we celebrated the Feast Day of Mary Magdalene, a woman of interest, discussion, and debate. Was she the Mary of the Mary and Martha duo? Does Magdalene refer to her home (but, no – the town of Magdala didn’t exist then… or did it?)? [...]

Are we listening?

2023-07-12T15:43:15+00:00July 12, 2023|

One of the Scripture readings for last Sunday was Genesis 28:10-22a, and in the first few verses we are told that Jacob had a dream. Those three words, ‘had a dream’, are important. There are many stories of dreams in the Bible, and the people of [...]

June 2023

Helping Others

2023-06-18T19:32:34+00:00June 18, 2023|

In the Gospel reading for today (Matt: 9:36-10:8) we are told that Jesus noticed the people were alone, unhappy, and needed help. We all feel this way at times and need help. Others feel the same at times, so we need to remember to be available [...]

The Trinity

2023-06-08T06:30:35+00:00June 8, 2023|

Last Sunday was Trinity Sunday, a day some clergy dread. How does one preach a concept so many of us don’t comprehend? One God, in three persons – how can that be? The earliest followers of the Way didn’t need to wonder, because this concept didn’t [...]

May 2023

People of the Pentecost

2023-05-30T18:18:47+00:00May 30, 2023|

Last Sunday was Pentecost Sunday, so many of the churches were draped in red, vestments were red, and many of us were wearing red. And then. The altar guild changed the colors for this coming Sunday. The vestments were put away for another time. We changed [...]

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