The song begins, “This is the day”…… and reminds us to be glad. Psalm 95 tells us the same thing we are to be joyful. We are to be thankful for our blessings. This message is shared in the secular world through the suggestion of keeping [...]
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The song begins, “This is the day”…… and reminds us to be glad. Psalm 95 tells us the same thing we are to be joyful. We are to be thankful for our blessings. This message is shared in the secular world through the suggestion of keeping [...]
Sunday's gospel reading (Mark 1:14-20) tells us that Jesus invited Simon and Andrew as well as James and John, the sons of Zebedee, to follow him. Unlike the story as told in Luke 5:1-11, Mark’s version says nothing to indicate the men knew anything about Jesus. [...]
In 1 Samuel 3:3-b-10, 19, we learn of Samuel’s call from God and Samuel’s willingness to listen. In Psalm 8-9, we read of the psalmist’s commitment to God: Here I am Lord; I come to do your will.” Are we willing to listen? Do we hear [...]
During the first weekend of January 2024, the CCOA and the AAOCC signed an intercommunion agreement and shared many worship experiences. Please see the information and pictures, found under the "Photos" tab!
As the CCOA Presiding Bishop mentioned in the opening of this morning’s homily, given at St. Johns CCOA in Las Cruces, the first verses of Matthew 2:1-12 remind us that Jesus came to model inclusion. After all the magi, three kings, astrologers who followed the star [...]
New Year’s Resolutions, Goals, Intentions, whatever we may call them, the writer of Colossians 3:12-17 gives us some suggestions. In this passage we are reminded that we should be compassionate, humble. gentle, patient, peaceful, thankful, and forgiving. These might well become our intentions for 2024. Will [...]
Catholic Apostolic Church of Antioch Dear Church of Antioch clergy and friends, Today we celebrate the birth of Jesus of Nazareth, revered among Christians as the Prince of Peace. For over two thousand years, followers of Christ have extolled his teachings as an antidote to [...]
Merry Christmas!
Within the gospel reading for this morning, Luke 1:26-38, there are three little but so significant words said to Mary: “Be not afraid.” In other readings, we hear these words again. In a dream, an angel says them to Joseph and if we read or listen [...]
The 3rd Sunday of Advent is Gaudete Sunday. It is a time when we light the pink candle, should we have an Advent wreath, signifying a time of joy. This is a perfect Sunday to read and recite the Magnificat (Luke 1:46-55)!