Convocation 2024
CCOA's Convocation, 2024 was held last month .... photos are available under the photo tab - enjoy!
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CCOA's Convocation, 2024 was held last month .... photos are available under the photo tab - enjoy!
Daniel 12:3 tells us that the wise will shine brightly and those who lead others to justice will be like the stars. Many followers of Jesus are concerned – national and world politics seem chaotic, the environment needs help, many countries face famine and a health [...]
It’s About Trust In 1Kings 17:10-16, we meet a widow who used the last of her flour make bread for Elijah. It was all she had, but she believed the prophet when he told her it would be alright. And we meet another widow in Mark [...]
Mark 12:29-31 Tells us we are to love our God with all of our heart, soul, mind and strength, and our neighbor as ourselves. The Scripture does not say which person might be our neighbor, because all beings are our neighbors - no matter how similar [...]
In Mark 10:46-52, we have the story of the blind man asking Jesus to make him see. In this story, unlike some of the other healings, Jesus doesn’t do anything. Nothing. Instead he tells the man his own faith has saved him – and the man [...]
The gospel reading for yesterday was Mark 10:35-45, and in 10:43b-44, Jesus tells us that the great are those who serve. We are all called to serve God and others. Some are called to serve as ordained clergy and others as laity, yet ALL are called [...]
We may not often think about this, however, we are all called to ministry, be it official or unofficial. After reading the Gospel for today, Mark 10:17-30, we might want to ask ourselves: What must we sacrifice to answer God’s call to serve: money, time, possessions? [...]
Mark 10:15: 15 Most certainly I tell you, whoever will not receive God’s Kingdom like a little child, he will in no way enter into it.” Children are often open, excited to learn, trusting, and innocent. When we read the Bible or listen to the message during worship [...]
Office of the Presiding Bishop September 29, 2024 “Render to Caeser the things that are Caeser’s, and to God the things that are God’s” (Mark 12:17) To the clergy and people of the Catholic Apostolic Church of Antioch, peace, joy, and apostolic blessings. In a [...]
Perhaps our constant prayer should be the words of Psalm 19:12, in which the psalmist acknowledges that he may do something wrong without realizing it and asks that these unknown [to him] mistakes be forgiven-taken from him. We are constantly interacting with so many people – [...]