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“Man is in his true nature an individualization of God … You are the Self Expression of the Infinite Power of the Universe … You are not only that image and likeness of God, but you are forever one with your Source.”

— Patriarch Herman Adrian Spruit, Founder of CCOA, Letters from the Apostles, Herman Adrian Spruit, nd

March 2025

Thank God!

2025-03-24T06:37:03+00:00March 24, 2025|

The words of Exodus 3:12a tell us that God will be with us even as we face difficult situations. Those of Psalm 103:11a remind us of God’s immense love. And in the story about the barren fig tree, Luke 13:6-9, we see the difference between judgment [...]


2025-03-10T05:43:39+00:00March 10, 2025|

The gospel reading for Sunday was Luke 4:1-13, in which we watch as the devil tempts Jesus with sustenance, power, and putting God to the test. Jesus responds to each of the devil's taunts until the devil leaves.  We, too, face temptations in our lives. How [...]

February 2025

Pray – for Everyone!

2025-02-26T04:56:32+00:00February 26, 2025|

Last Sunday's Gospel reading gave us a difficult directive - pray for everyone, even our enemies. Jesus goes on from there, as we read in Luke 6:27-38. Some may say that he is telling us to always take the high road - to model love and [...]


2025-02-20T06:29:01+00:00February 20, 2025|

When we read Luke 6:17, 20-26, we often focus on the first few ’blessed’ verses, skipping over verse 22, in which Jesus is daring us to live as he taught. We are to love one another (all ‘one anothers’!) We are to help those in need. [...]

Time for Growth

2025-02-08T19:58:41+00:00February 8, 2025|

Words for pondering from Kathryn Damiano during the CCOA monthly zoom gathering today: "How are we growing into the deepest message of our teacher, Jesus?"  

January 2025

Is It Your Time?

2025-01-19T22:32:23+00:00January 19, 2025|

We learn about gifts in the reading from Corinthians (1 Cor 12:4-11), and we notice that Jesus did not think it was his time when Mary asked him to help at the wedding. (John 2:1-11). But then we read on and learn it really WAS Jesus' [...]


2025-01-13T03:11:15+00:00January 13, 2025|

The commemoration of Jesus' Baptism was on Sunday, with the story of a dove descending and words coming from the heavens. (Luke 3:15-16, 21-22) What happened when you were baptized? If you were an infant, what stories did they tell you, and if you were an [...]


2025-01-05T22:03:13+00:00January 5, 2025|

We are reminded that upon seeing the baby Jesus, “...immediately the Magi fell to their knees… They perceived one thing with their eyes {an infant] but another with the eyes of the mind [glory.] quoted from the writing of Chromatius’ Tractate on Matthew 5.1, in Ancient [...]

December 2024

We Are Family!

2024-12-29T22:42:49+00:00December 29, 2024|

Today is the Sunday to honor the Holy Family. Some may also wish to honor the families of all of those who have gone beofre us, and our own immediate families.   Let us take time, as well, to our own place in "The Family." We [...]

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