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To do the best that’s in us is our purpose in life; that’s why we’re here.

— Matriarch Meri Louise

About Linda Rounds-Nichols

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So far Linda Rounds-Nichols has created 19 blog entries.

October 2024


2024-10-21T05:40:06+00:00October 21, 2024|

The gospel reading for yesterday was Mark 10:35-45, and in 10:43b-44, Jesus tells us that the great are those who serve. We are all called to serve God and others. Some are called to serve as ordained clergy and others as laity, yet ALL are called [...]

January 2024

Here I Am….

2024-01-15T01:00:53+00:00January 15, 2024|

In 1 Samuel 3:3-b-10, 19, we learn of Samuel’s call from God and Samuel’s willingness to listen. In Psalm 8-9, we read of the psalmist’s commitment to God: Here I am Lord; I come to do your will.” Are we willing to listen? Do we hear [...]

All are to be welcomed!

2024-01-08T01:16:53+00:00January 8, 2024|

As the CCOA Presiding Bishop mentioned in the opening of this morning’s homily, given at St. Johns CCOA in Las Cruces, the first verses of Matthew 2:1-12 remind us that Jesus came to model inclusion. After all the magi, three kings, astrologers who followed the star [...]

June 2023

Helping Others

2023-06-18T19:32:34+00:00June 18, 2023|

In the Gospel reading for today (Matt: 9:36-10:8) we are told that Jesus noticed the people were alone, unhappy, and needed help. We all feel this way at times and need help. Others feel the same at times, so we need to remember to be available [...]

May 2023

February 2023

Remembering the 10

2023-02-13T06:36:29+00:00February 13, 2023|

In the reading for Sunday, the people were told that keeping the commandments would save them (Sir 15:15). In a similar reading in Deuteronomy (Det. 30:15-20), Moses told his people the same thing. Told repeatedly, it seems the early people had a hard time remembering how [...]

November 2022

Do we call?

2022-11-07T03:36:01+00:00November 7, 2022|

The words of Psalm 17:6a: “I call upon you, for you will answer me, O God…” lead us to question ourselves. For your reflection: Do you call on God? If so, do you turn to God in both the good and the not-so-good times? Do you [...]

October 2022

August 2022

The Highest and the Best

2022-08-03T04:24:17+00:00August 3, 2022|

“Whether our work be that of preaching a sermon, rendering a musical composition or lending a helping hand, it must always represent the highest and best which can be given …..” CCOA Founder, Patriarch Herman Adrian Spruit

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