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“Accept that thrust of [God’s] love and you too will find the holy. Listen to yourself deep down within and you’ll discover the Heart of all True Religion.”

— Herman Adrian Spruit, Founder of CCOA, Letters from the Apostles

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So far admin1 has created 190 blog entries.

November 2013

Thank you, Rev. Paul and Rev. David!

2013-11-07T06:38:05+00:00November 7, 2013|

Those who attended the 2013 CCOA Convocation were blessed by the presentations given by Rev. Paul R. Smith, author of Integral Christianity,  and Rev. David Alexander from the Center for Spiritual Living. Thank you for joining us! Rev. Paul Rev. David

July 2013

In Memory

2014-06-04T04:16:42+00:00July 25, 2013|

May Eternal Light shine on Monsignor Stephen J. O'Meara   6-25-53  -  7-25-13  

April 2013

March 2013

Congratulations, Ron!

2014-05-25T20:14:17+00:00March 20, 2013|

On March 9, 2013, +Mark Elliott Newman, CCOA's Presiding Bishop, ordained Ron to the Minor Orders of Reader and Healer.

November 2012

Congratulations to Ron, Kathy and Mary!

2014-05-25T20:15:03+00:00November 5, 2012|

Congratulations to Ron, Kathy, and Mary, shown here with +Mark Newman, CCOA Presiding Bishop. On Octber 28, 2012, Ron was elevated to the Order of Doorkeeper; Kathy to the Orders of Cleric and Doorkeeper, and Mary to the Orders of Doorkeeper and Reader.

September 2012

August 2012

CCOA Liturgy Committee Session

2014-05-25T20:16:34+00:00August 30, 2012|

The CCOA Liturgy Committee met August 24-26, 2012.  Committee members include: Presiding Bishop Mark Elliott Newman Bishop Linda Rev. David Rev. Marian Rev. Michael Rev. Pat  

June 2012

Congratulations Padre Daniel!

2012-08-05T02:48:46+00:00June 9, 2012|

Daniel Barcenas Arrellano+ was ordained on May 26, 2012, in Mexico. +Mark Elliott Newman, Presiding Bishop; +Linda Rounds-Nichols, Dean of Sophia Divinity School; Andrew Angarita, and his wife, Gina Angarita, were happy to honor Daniel+ at this event. Congratulations, Padre Daniel!  Congratulations, as well, to  Gina - a woman [...]

April 2012

Congratulations to Rev. Dolly Ryan!

2012-08-30T05:04:55+00:00April 26, 2012|

Our newest priest is The Rev. Dolly Ryan Walker. Dolly+ was ordained on April 14. Along with the CCOA people participating (+Mark Newman, our presiding bishop, +Linda Rounds-Nichols, Marian Bellus+, Carl Matthews+, and seminarians Larry Davis and Becky Taylor,) a number of clergy from other denominations honored [...]

February 2012

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