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“Accept that thrust of [God’s] love and you too will find the holy. Listen to yourself deep down within and you’ll discover the Heart of all True Religion.”

— Herman Adrian Spruit, Founder of CCOA, Letters from the Apostles

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So far admin1 has created 190 blog entries.

December 2016

Winter 2016-2017 Newsletter

2016-12-31T18:36:02+00:00December 31, 2016|

The latest edition of our newsletter is available. Please take a look! You'll find it on our newsletters page.   Many blessings for the year ahead ~Happy New Year!

God is Love

2016-12-26T04:54:36+00:00December 26, 2016|

In 1 John 4, verses 7-8, we read:  “Beloved, let us love one another, because love is from God; everyone who loves is born of God and knows God.  Whoever does not love does not know God, for God is love.” It is our prayer that you [...]

November 2016

October 2016

Congratulations and Safe Travels!

2016-10-23T23:05:55+00:00October 23, 2016|

Prayers for safe travels to the CCOA faithful, who will be traveling to the CCOA Convocation this week. and Congratulations to Deacon Scott Carter, who has been approved for ordination to the priesthood. The liturgy for Dn. Scott's ordination is scheduled for 9:15-11:00 am, Arizona time, [...]

September 2016

Congratulations +Mark and Ryan!

2016-09-19T04:19:40+00:00September 19, 2016|

CCOA Presiding Bishop, Mark Elliott Newman wed Ryan Gallo Obado at a Dignity Worship Service in Phoenix on September 17, 2016.  Congratulations, +Mark and Ryan! The rite of marriage was officiated by a minister from the Church of Religious Science, and the Eucharist was celebrated by [...]

June 2016

Congratulations, Bishop Ann!

2016-07-01T18:53:05+00:00June 30, 2016|

Presiding Bishop Mark Newman and Bishop Linda Rounds-Nichols, acting on behalf of Archbishop Leon Hunt of the United Kingdom, ordained the Rev. Elizabeth Ann Bryan to the episcopal order, sub conditione on June 25, 2016. Bishop Ann was left without a jurisdiction when her former Presiding [...]

Something will happen to you …..

2016-06-27T04:58:28+00:00June 27, 2016|

  " ... the church [CCOA] is full of people whose Catholicism features a God of boundless inscrutability, whose metaphysics [mysticism] posits a high interconnected universe, and whose temperaments are notably comfortable with uncertainty.To Antiochians [those involved in the CCOA] it was inevitable that something would [...]

May 2016

Rev. Deacon Ron

2016-05-27T01:45:07+00:00May 27, 2016|

Sophia Divinity School seminarian, Ron, of Las Cruces, New Mexico, recently became the newest deacon in the CCOA. Congratulations, Rev. Deacon Ron!  Presiding Bishop Mark and Rev. Deacon Ron are in the back row. The many others are Rev. Deacon Ron's friends and family.

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