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“I have found that with the quality of my spiritual life I cannot compromise. I have set my face toward the High Walk of Christed discipleship. The High Walk has become a most sacred thing with me.”

— CCOA Founder Abp. Herman Adrian Spruit, A Frank Appraisal of My Ministry and a New Year Message for Those Who Would Walk with Me. 1989

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So far admin1 has created 190 blog entries.

May 2022

Do you love me?

2022-05-02T19:10:53+00:00May 2, 2022|

The reason Jesus asked Peter the same question three times in John 21:15-19 may seem obvious. Peter denied Jesus three times just before the crucifixion and now must face those denials. Jesus gently gives him a way to do this so he could move forward. Not [...]

April 2022

Presiding Bishop’s Easter Message, 2022

2022-04-17T06:20:25+00:00April 17, 2022|

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,  Peace, joy, and Apostolic Blessing  Good Friday has come and gone in the liturgical cycle of the Church, yet in our secular experience, it seems as though we are still in the midst of it. The COVID 19 pandemic continues, [...]

God bless the women.

2022-04-11T06:33:48+00:00April 11, 2022|

Depending upon your worship community, the service on Sunday morning may have started with a procession with palms and a story of Jesus' entry into Jerusalem. Once inside the church, the service could have continued with a lengthy reading of the gospel story of the events [...]

Quote for the Month

2022-04-01T19:36:02+00:00April 1, 2022|

“Those who shared in the process of putting together our Church wanted a motto for us. Following my convictions and the desires of the people, I selected this: Let there be Harmony through Understanding. …. [including the meanings] …. unity, togetherness, and fellowship.” Founder ABp. Herman [...]

March 2022

Have We Been Changed?

2022-03-14T05:00:13+00:00March 14, 2022|

  In Luke 9:28b-36, we read about the Transfiguration of Jesus. Peter, John and James went to the mountain with him and while there they saw Jesus’ face change and saw his clothing become dazzling. We’re told that they told no one what they had seen. [...]

Lectio Divina

2022-03-09T06:54:27+00:00March 9, 2022|

  Bishop Michael will be leading us in Lectio Divina at 7 pm (Arizona time) each Wednesday evening during Lent.  If you are interested in participating in this zoom event, please contact Presiding Bishop Mark at: antioch1!


2022-03-08T06:16:37+00:00March 8, 2022|

  In Luke 4:1-13, the Gospel reading for last Sunday, we read and heard about the temptations Jesus faced while he was in the wilderness. He was able to respond to each with a rebuttal from Scripture. As well as knowing Scripture, he knew his purpose. [...]

January 2022

Our Gifts

2022-01-17T07:30:51+00:00January 17, 2022|

  In 1 Corinthians 12:1-11, we are reminded of the many gifts people receive. We are also reminded that each gift is important, none more important than the others. We are all needed. Whether one is a greeter, a floor sweeper, preacher, or if one handles [...]

True Religion

2022-01-01T18:16:22+00:00January 1, 2022|

  "Accept that thrust of [God's] love and you too will find the holy. Listen to yourself deep down within and you'll discover the Heart of all True Religion." CCOA founder, Patriarch Herman Adrian Spruit

December 2021

Do unto others….

2021-12-13T00:39:36+00:00December 13, 2021|

Many of the world’s religions have an admonition that is similar to the words so many of us have hear since we were children: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. And yet time and again we want to know how to [...]

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