The Catholic Apostolic Church of Antioch accepts and affirms the traditional creeds of the Christian Church; viz., the Nicene and Apostles’ Creeds, as well as the numerous other Creeds that have been developed by the Church throughout the centuries. In addition to these creeds, the Catholic Apostolic Church of Antioch also accepts and affirms the following as a creed of the Church. This creed in its original language was formulated by Archbishop Herman Adrian Spruit D.D. in 1979. The language was modified and approved for use in 2011 by Presiding Bishop Mark Elliott Newman, OC, in consultation with the Board of Advisors.
Educator and author, Joseph Martos, points out that the traditional creeds talk about faith as a set of beliefs rather than as a way of living.1 In addition to doctrinal statements, the creed developed by Archbishop Spruit includes statements that address a way of life one is called to live as a follower of the Way of Christ, thereby providing and emphasizing a balance between belief and action.
All clergy and laity of the Catholic Apostolic Church of Antioch are free to use whatever creed they feel most comfortable using.
Creed of the Catholic Apostolic Church of Antioch
Where the Spirit of God is, there also is the One, True, Catholic and Apostolic Church whose Faith we now sincerely and reverently declare:
We believe in One God, the Creator and Ruler of all things, the Source of all goodness, love, beauty and truth.
We believe in Jesus, the Christ, God made manifest in the flesh, our Example, our Teacher, our Redeemer and our Liberator.
We believe in the Holy Spirit, She who maintains all of Creation, She who is ever present with us for guidance, for comfort, for purification, for strength and for inspiration.
We believe in the forgiveness of sins; our forgiveness of ourselves and of others, being the measure of our alignment with God’s infinite Love.
We believe in a life of prayer balanced with service. We acknowledge that our response to our obligations is a measure of our growth in the life and nature of the Christ.
We believe that there is grace for every need, that every need is supplied, and that those who live in the nature of the Christ lack for nothing.
We believe that the Word of God is eternally revealed in the nature of the Christ, Whom Jesus made manifest in his life, and Whom we seek to manifest in ours.
We believe in the Church as a community of the sons and daughters of God, a center for worship, for service and for growth in perfection.
We believe that truth, harmony and balance shall prevail, resulting in a dynamic quality of life, beginning here on Earth, and continuing throughout all eternity.
1Source URL (retrieved on 02/22/2016 – 20:32): http://ncronline.org/news/spirituality/twice-removed-why-our-sacraments-often-dont-connect-real-life