CCOA deacons, priests and bishops in Chartered Ministries are available to the general public for sacramental ministry. Other CCOA clergy are available in emergencies. In addition to those listed below, additional CCOA clergy are located in Alabama, Arizona, and the DC area, If you are seeking clergy in a geographic area not listed, please contact our Presiding Bishop. CCOA is in relationship with other jurisdictions, so may be able to provide a referral.
Phoenix: Christ of the Desert The Most Rev. Mark Elliott Newman, Presiding Bishop of the Catholic Apostolic Church of Antioch. markelliottnewman@msn.com.
Gallup: Agape Ministries The Most Reverend Linda Rounds-Nichols, OSM, Spiritual Director. lindaroundsnichols@gmail.com 505-870-0167. Facebook: Rev. Linda Rounds-Nichols, Agape Ministries. Agape Ministries is an interfaith ministry with a Christian foundation, honoring and respecting all religions and spiritualities. Rev. Linda currently traqvels between Sedona, Arizon and Gallup, and is actively involved in ecumentical ministry in both places. Rev. Linda ia a trained spiritual Director, providing opportuities for Spiritual Direction, Pastoral Care, the Sacraments, 5th Step witnessing and Womyn’s Spirituality. Her interest in interfaith ministriy and womenyn’s spirituality was enhanced by her work with incarcerated women, people in recovery, and her experiences during twenty years as one of the RMCHCS associate chaplains.
Gallup: Hozho Ministries-Catholic Apostolic Church of Antioch of Gallup. Reverend Celeste Handy, blueskiesd6@yahoo.com 505-721-9114. Facebook: Hozho Ministries – Catholic Apostolic Church of Antioch. Hozho Ministries provides services such as weddings, funerals, prayer and visitation for the sick, prayer services, and Holy Eucharist. We work with inter-faith ministries and other groups to bring Gallup together as a community by providing assistance to the homeless and hungry and working and worshiping together. Hozho Ministries is a safe place for all persons who would like to participate.
Las Cruces: St. John’s Catholic Church of Antioch. Reverend Father Ronald Catherson, stjccoa@zianet.com 575-621-4885. Webpage: http://www.stjohnscatholicchurchofantioch.org St. John’s Catholic Church of Antioch is a community of progressive spiritual seekers, open to everyone, grounded in prayer, and faithful to apostolic succession. We worship the Divine Mystery in its infinite expressions.