Exodus has many stories of the people fleeing Egypt, and today is one of those stories is found in Exodus 16:2-4, 12-15. These verses tell us how hungry the people were, so hungry they thought remaining enslaved in Egypt would have been better than fleeing. God heard them and provided sustenance; however what God provided wasn’t what the people expected. Instead of the bread they expected, they received something that looked like flakes. Psalm 78:25 tells us that this strange substance was the food of angels, the bread of heaven. It was a blessing, and it could sustain them, but it wasn’t what they expected.

Jesus wasn’t what the people expected either. The people expected a warrior messiah and instead of sticks and stones or swords, Jesus used words, and stories, and love. Saying he was the bread of life. (John 6:24-35) He taught about love … loving God, others and self. He was a blessing they didn’t recognize.

How often do we not see the blessings we are granted, simply because they aren’t in the form, person, or situation we expect?