Marcus Borg was a leading figure in the Progressive Christian Movement. I was privileged to attend several of his lectures in Phoenix over the past few years and he never failed to deliver fresh insights into the meaning of Jesus’ life. His work speaks to a mature spirituality and challenges us to reexamine critically many of our beliefs about what it means to be Christian. While not everybody will agree with everything he said, his work can nevertheless serve as a catalyst for each of us to think through many of the beliefs we may have accepted uncritically and may have led us to question whether Christianity makes sense in light of modern knowledge. Borg’s work helped me see that it does and helped me reaffirm my commitment to the Way of Christ.
If you have not read any of his work, I would recommend that you consider reading one of two of his books; more if time and circumstance permit. His work, while scholarly, is very accessible to both scholars and the average reader. You can also find lectures by Borg on YouTube.
May his soul, and the souls of all the departed, be at peace.
+Mark Elliott Newman, OC
CCOA Presiding Bishop